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Wednesday, November 2, 2011


I think the most unhappy relationships I’ve ever seen,
are those in which one person tries to
reinvent the other
into something they are not.

By doing so, they eventually turn those they love into precisely what they don’t want them to be?

In the attempt to foster the changes, they push and pull, constantly creating friction and resistance.

They create an uncaring partner by shielding their own heart.

They create an unavailable partner, by withholding trust and refusing to communicate.

Partners become less sensitive to the needs of the other, when ignored.

Just as a nurturing partner can cultivate love and growth, an insecure or selfish partner can sow the seeds of separation, distance and destruction.

Who has the right to even attempt to alter the journey of another soul?

The purest form of love manifests itself in acceptance and encouragement.

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